
ESI specializes in commercial, rugged, industrial, and military grade COTS products for harsh environments and high performance embedded computing. Over the years we have focused on developing relationships with customers and suppliers who are experts in building commercial, industrial and military grade board-level and system products. 

Our sales engineers and suppliers understand the nuances and requirements necessary to meet the harshest environments and critical real-time parameters. Our applications knowledge ranges from embedded systems in the engines of the Joint Strike Fighter aircraft, recorders and board level products embedded in torpedoes and UAVs, to airborne radar and signals intelligence systems. 

We also have extensive experience in industrial process control and test and measurement. We have supplied numerous systems and products to NASA, MIT Lincoln Lab, GE, Pratt and Whitney, the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, BAE Systems, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, the DOD, and numerous other military labs and DOD prime contractors.

At ESI we apply our applications and technical expertise and sources for products to help our customers shorten their time to market. We assist in the entire process of product and system development from writing engineering specifications to planning technology refresh.

Feel free to contact us for references.